Photo of Leanne Leanne C. Powner Practical strategies. Real results.

All the Grammar No One Ever Taught You

All the Grammar No One Ever Taught You: A Practical Course for Academic Writers

This fast-paced and entertaining course takes you through the basics of English grammar that trip up academic writers the most. Based on the errors and issues I see most as an editor, I've selected four key themes to focus our lectures and activities: Each week involves a roughly one-hour lecture with a quick self-check quiz afterward. This course is designed to be appropriate for native and non-native speakers of English alike, and it will accommodate differences between American and British/other forms of English. Each offering of the course is limited to 24 participants. The Friday morning offering is suitable for participants in Europe and Africa as well as those in North America.

Cost: $25 for 4 sessions
Session Options:
Monday, October 7, 14, 21, & 28, 6 PM US Central time
Friday, October 11, 18, 25, and November 1, 8 AM US Central time

Registration is a two-step process. It begins with a quick Google forms survey to get a sense of your background and goals, and then continues on to a Wix.com site where you pay. Your registration is not complete until payment is received. If you require an invoice to submit to your institution for reimbursement or are paying for this course with university funds, please contact me directly at Leanne@LeanneCPowner.com to make arrangements.

Begin the registration process here.
Last updated on Monday, 02-Sep-2019 19:08:54 PDT