Photo of Leanne Leanne C. Powner Practical strategies. Real results.

Data & Research

Substantive Research
My substantive research focuses on questions of interstate cooperation: When does it occur? When does it occur inside an institution? How do states individually form preferences over which institution (if any) to use, and how do states collectively negotiate an ultimate choice of institution(s) for action in any given situation? My dissertation provided an early look at some of these questions, as do a number of conference papers.

My newest research project goes one step further back in the causal chain to examine when - under what conditions - states choose to create institutions, and then continues through to study what conditions prompt states to renovate them. Papers in this line of work will be added as they're written.

Pedagogy Papers and Publications
My pedagogy publications include both empirical research on the effectiveness of active learning techniques as well as activities that I've developed for classroom use. The Classroom Resources page contains many other activities that I have not formally written up for conference presentation or publication.
Last updated on Wednesday, 15-Mar-2017 16:37:00 PDT